Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hope springs eternal

Even with slush a sunny day is beautiful.

Looking East 5pm
Spent the better part of the day visiting my old stomping grounds observing student teachers in Upper Darby. Nice to see old friends and watch student teachers learn how to make art available to young students. Nicer still to leave before the end of the school day and get to the studio in time to do a little work! I am sure there is a way to eliminate the sun glare on the window, but it helps capture that fleeting time when the shadows stretch blue across the pink snow just before the whole field turns blue.

I did get here in time to take a few snap shots of the fruits of my "spring cleaning". I found small pieces of deconstructed and clamp dyed shibori that I could make into pieced scarves. Have not had time to have them professionally shot but will share them hot off the serger.

Clouds, blue sky and bronze
This shibori clamp dyed raw silk had been in my sample drawer for at least a year. It's use hadn't suggested itself to me until last week. I find the combination of colors and textures really exciting. The raw silk is lined with a deep sage colored silk gauze.

 I only had a small piece of this deconstructed stonewashed crepe, but it was enough to form this new piece. The serged lines are really pleasing to me through the sheer pale chiffon.
Seafoam chiffon, doupioni and deconstructed stonewashed crepe   


  1. This is a really beautiful piece! Love the blog, mom!

  2. These are too gorgeous for words, Dianne. I am so happy to see you blogging again and sharing your delicious photos.
    This almost makes me think I should get a serger - but for now, I guess I'm stuck buying hemmed scarves to print. Your work is the best!
